Category: Our Voice

Observation Morning Pre-K — 8

April 8, 8:30–10:30 a.m. Are you curious about Waldorf Education? Adults are invited to observe grade school and preschool-kindergarten classes in session. Questions and conversations will follow. The Observation Morning will take place at our Turtle Lane Campus.

À la Carte Auction

February 10, 2015 We love this event because it combines our favorite things: delicious food, great company, and light-hearted fundraising!

1/26/2015 – Christopher White

Dear Lake Champlain Waldorf School Community, On Saturday, January 31, many communities came together to celebrate the life of Christopher White, beloved father, husband, brother, and son, and a long-time supporter and friend to our school. Such a big man—in personality as well as stature—naturally drew together many people! The sanctuary at All Soul’s Interfaith Continue reading.

Simplicity Parenting: Free Introductory Lecture

Thursday, January 8, 2015 | 7 to 8:30 p.m. Is your child having trouble sleeping, eating, or socializing? Are you wondering how the reality of your family life veered so far away from your dreams? Learn how using the extraordinary power of less can help you raise calmer, happier, and more secure kids, and feel Continue reading.

Holiday Fair

Come one, come all! Here are details about the Lake Champlain Waldorf School Holiday Fair! Activities, vendors, schedule. Friday Night: Artisan Market, 6:30-9:00 pm Friday night is for adults and older teens. All the vendors will be there (and some are only there on Friday), and our student crafters will have tables. Please come hungry! Continue reading.

A Remembrance for Joshua

It has been one year since the passing of Joshua Nolan Moore, a beloved little boy in my kindergarten who unexpectedly died last year on October 24th, at the age of six. Our school community is honoring Joshua in two outward ways. Today, faculty and staff, parents and friends of Lake Champlain Waldorf School gathered Continue reading.

Fall Open House

November 8, 2014 Bring family and friends to our Fall Open House. Teachers and high school students will give tours of our campus and young children can decorate lanterns and participate in other activities. Meet with faculty from our Parent & Child Program, Early Childhood Program, Grade School, and High School. “Introduction to Waldorf Education” Continue reading.

Rummage Sale Bliss

September 20, 2014 It’s that time of year! We can all use a little retail bliss. All details will soon be on our website. If you know you would like to help out at the sale, or with the sorting and pricing beforehand, please contact Sharon Richards.

New High School Campus Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

September 8, 2014 Please join us for the new high school campus Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Monday, September 8 at 2 pm. Come celebrate with our students and community. There will be a short ceremony with some singing, some talking, and a whole lot of cheering as we celebrate our beautiful new space, and our Continue reading.