Category: Our Voice

Noticing the Unseen: Middle School Photography Immersion

Twice a year, grades six, seven, and eight join together for an intensive week-long immersion. This winter the focus was on creating a sense of place through photography. For one week, students explored the natural and human habitats around their school, composed and edited photographs, and learned about the art of digital photography and exhibition Continue reading.

A Day in the Recording Studio

Our seventh grade recently finished a creative writing block, designed especially for this class. Creative writing was taught as a songwriting block and experts from our community were brought in to assist the middle school teachers. Over the course of three weeks, the students learned about storytelling, poetry writing, wordplay, and musical composition. Putting it Continue reading.

At the Cutting Edge: Woodworking at Waldorf

It’s soup-making day in Karen’s kindergarten class, and every child holds a small paring knife, carefully chopping carrots, potatoes, and leeks brought from home. They work quietly, with intention and anticipation, knowing they will be rewarded with a delicious snack they made themselves. Learning how to handle a kitchen knife is the first lesson in Continue reading.

The "Sleep Study," a tenth grade rite of passage

What does it feel like to get the recommended amount of sleep every night for a month? Ask our tenth grade students. During their month-long Physiology block the students put their own bodies to the test as they learn about the human body. According to the National Institute of Health and latest research from the Continue reading.

Ethiopian/Eritrean Pop-Up Dinner

On Saturday, October 27, we are delighted to welcome Alganesh Michael back to our school to prepare an authentic Ethiopian/Eritrean dinner at our high school campus. Originally from Eritrea, Alganesh Michael lives in So. Burlington with her husband and two daughters. Former nurse, than homemaker for 16 years, Alganesh now collaborates with many local restaurants to Continue reading.


Saturday, September 29 Michaelmas is the “festival of courage” and reminds us to honor the courage that we see around us every day in noble acts, large and small. We invite all our families to our celebration of Michaelmas! On the festival day, we will come together as a community to play games and participate Continue reading.

Shadow Day at the High School

Come experience a typical day of high school on Tuesday, May 22. We begin each day at 8:10 am with a walk or games (bring comfortable shoes). Then, step into Modern History with the ninth grade, Hydrology with the tenth grade, or Botany with the eleventh grade, followed by classes and activities of the day. Continue reading.

Healthy Natural Risk-Taking

Come learn practical tools for building healthy empowerment, willpower, and connection in our children and teens at this presentation and workshop for parents. Friday, April 13 from 6:00-8:00 pm How do we build family habits that foster young adults towards healthy empowerment, connection, and an altruistic willpower for engaging with the world? Join Misha Golfman Continue reading.

Screenagers Screening & Discussion

Join us for a screening of the documentary Screenagers. Are you watching kids scroll through life, with their rapid-fire thumbs and a six-second attention span? Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston saw that with her own kids and learned that the average kid spends 6.5 hours a day looking at screens. She wondered about the impact Continue reading.

Springtime in the kindergarten

Look who is peeking out from under the nature table! Signs of spring are peeking out of every corner of the early childhood building, and the children are feeling a growing confidence and energy. Two little brown bulbs went to sleep in the ground Dressed in their little nighties they slept very sound Old Winter, Continue reading.