Category: Our Voice

Maple Syrup Magic

Saturday, March 15th, 10:00-11:30 Spend the morning with your 3-6 year old playing at the Waldorf kindergarten. Enjoy fresh pancakes, maple syrup, circle time and puppet play. Early childhood teachers will be on hand to answer parents’ questions while children make crafts, play in the classrooms, and explore outside. FREE. For more information and to Continue reading.

Grains, Nuts, Beans & Seeds with Doug Flack

Tuesday, March 11th, 7-9 p.m. Join biodynamic farmer, scholar, food activist Doug Flack for a workshop on healthy foods for the whole family. Over the past 125 years with the increased industrialization of food, denatured, empty carb grains have been eroding our health. Come discover ancient techniques for utilizing whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds Continue reading.

Healthy Fats with Doug Flack

Tuesday, February 18th, 7-9 p.m. Low-fat, no-fat, whole fat, what fat? Having trouble understanding what is and what is not a “healthy” fat? Come join us as we discover practical ways to include healthy fats in our diet. Doug Flack, longtime Vermont biodynamic farmer and food activist, will explore the history of fats in the Continue reading.

Tuition Adjustment Reminder

Application deadline for Tuition Adjustment is February 1.  Please contact the Financial Aid Committee with questions.

Performance to Benefit LCWS

  February 9, 3:00pm Internationally renowned vaudevillians, Wells & Woodhead, will perform their one of a kind antics for family audiences at the Shelburne Town Hall on February 9, at 3:00 PM. Their new show, FOOLZ, is a character-driven amalgam of music, comedy and juggling that visually demonstrates the power of teamwork. Blending classic vaudeville Continue reading.

Waldorf Playgroups

New session begins March 3rd. Explore the magic and wonder of the first 3 ½ years of childhood. Waldorf parent and child classes offer a nurturing and playful environment for you and your young child.  Explore creating supportive rhythms, developing imaginative play, and cultivating the earliest sparks of compassion.  Classes meet weekly for 10 weeks Continue reading.

Simplicity Parenting: Free Lecture Series

Thursday, January 8, 2015 | 7 to 8:30 p.m. Is your child having trouble sleeping, eating, or socializing? Are you wondering how the reality of your family life veered so far away from your dreams? Learn how using the extraordinary power of less can help you raise calmer, happier, and more secure kids, and feel Continue reading.

2014 Syrup & Popcorn Sale – ENDED

[slideshow_deploy id=’4725′] The Sale has ended.  Thank you for your participation You will be contacted when your products are available for pick up.  It is anticipated that popcorn orders will be available by Friday, March 14th, however this is an estimate.  Further information will follow as it becomes available for all products. Questions?  Contact Kristin Continue reading.

Simplifying the Holidays

Monday, December 9, 7 p.m. Anne Shapiro, parenting coach, Waldorf teacher, and mother of three, will share ideas, strategies, and inspiration for creating holidays that fit your family’s needs. Turtle Lane Campus. FREE, RSVP to Pam Graham (802)985-2827 ext. 12.