When should we begin the application process?
Families should begin their applications in the fall, one year before they wish to enroll. However, applications are accepted year-round and mid-year enrollment is available when space is available.
As part of the application process, will our student have the opportunity to visit your school?
Early Childhood:
After receiving the completed application, parents are contacted to schedule an admissions meeting, children are not present for this conversation.
Lower Grades:
For grade 1, students will have the opportunity to meet with our education support specialist for a First Grade Readiness Assessment.
For grades 2-5, student visit days are scheduled once we have received a completed application for admissions. After the completed application is reviewed, parents are contacted to schedule a parent interview and student visit day.
Upper Grades:
For grades 6-12, students may spend a shadow day once we have a completed application. Once the application is submitted, parents are contacted to schedule a student visit day and parent, student and faculty interview. Our admissions interview can be scheduled for the same day as the student visit.
How old does my child need to be for eligibility?
Mixed-age Preschool: children are 3 by September 1
Mixed-age Kindergarten: children are 4 years old turning 5 by May 31
First Grade: children are 6 years old turning 7 by May 31
What is the student:teacher ratio in the classes?
In our early childhood classrooms, we have a 10:1 student:teacher ratio. Our largest classroom has 18 children and two teachers.
In our lower and upper grades, a class is considered full at 20 students; however, we will consider 21-25 students per grade on an individual basis.
When will I hear back regarding an admissions decision?
Once all the steps of the admissions process have been completed, you will typically be notified of an admissions decision within two weeks.
Our admissions process is designed to help determine whether our school is the right fit for your family and your student’s academic needs. This process may involve additional conversations with professionals outside of our school, including current and past teachers, counselors, educational support specialists, and tutors. These conversations may extend the time frame before an official decision can be made.
Admissions decisions are made by our teachers in collaboration with the admissions team.
What happens if my student is waitlisted?
When an applicant is considered to be a good fit for the program, but space is not available, the applicant is placed on a waitlist. It is important to keep us informed of your continued interest in enrollment at Lake Champlain Waldorf School.
When multiple applicants are on the waitlist for a specific program or grade and a space becomes available, we will consider applicants based on many factors. These factors include the current class composition, whether the applicant is coming from another Waldorf School, has a sibling currently enrolled at our school, is a child of faculty/staff, and the family’s intentions regarding continued enrollment at our school.
Is financial aid available?
At Lake Champlain Waldorf School, families may apply for Indexed Tuition consideration. Indexed Tuition is a need-based, sliding scale tuition model, which aligns with our core values and desire to serve families of all economic means.
Admission decisions are made independently of decisions to award Tuition Assistance. All applicants must be accepted by the Admissions Office prior to the review of the Tuition Assistance application.
Tuition Assistance funds are generated from a percentage of money that the school collects from tuition fees and from funds contributed voluntarily by parents for the operating budget of the school.
In general, awards are limited to 50% of total tuition in grades 1-8, and 60% in grades 9-12, unless there are special circumstances. Your child must be entering their Kindergarten year to be considered for tuition adjustment. Kindergarten adjustments are awarded at a maximum of 30% for the morning and a maximum of 50% for the afternoon segment of the kindergarten day.
If you are interested in applying for tuition assistance, first submit an enrollment application, and then submit a confidential Application on Clarity. Read our Indexed Tuition Policy for more information.
If I sign my contract, and my child isn’t a good fit, am I held accountable for the entire tuition?
Your financial obligation to the school is for the full annual tuition as stated in your enrollment contract. However, we realize that there are times that a family may choose to withdraw for various unanticipated reasons. In order to help alleviate some of this financial burden when a family withdraws from our school, LCWS has a Tuition Protection Plan. Learn more about our plan here.
How do I reserve my child’s space in a class?
Once you have been notified of your student’s official acceptance, we will send you your enrollment contract to be viewed and signed in your parent portal on BigSIS. Once we have received your tuition deposit and signed contract, your space will be reserved.
We ask that families return their signed contract and enrollment deposit within two weeks of receiving their enrollment contract. For families applying for indexed tuition consideration, a signed contract is required within two weeks after receiving your indexed tuition award.
Helpful Resources
● Tuition
● Indexed Tuition
● Admissions
● Contact us
● Apply Now