We’ve had a busy week—building volcanoes in the sandbox, making our lanterns for our lantern walk, singing lantern songs, and feasting on bread and chamomile tea while staying cozy around our fire.
We are all a bit sad not to be able to host our parents for the lantern walk this year, but we will make the event a cheery one for the children. They’ve all had a chance to make their lanterns and we started using them during our circle time on Thursday and Friday.
Our circle begins with a song about the milkweed seeds that are tucked inside their cradle until the wind comes along and blows them away. The children have been enjoying having turns being both the seeds and the wind, and running around the circle as fast as they can. It’s a dear song and the children really enjoy this one! Our circle then progresses to songs and verses about the gnomes going out into the world on behalf of the gnome king, and gathering little seeds to bring back to the king to help shelter them underground for the winter. The gnomes carry their lanterns to help guide them on this quest. We will continue with this through the week and we will have our own lantern walk through the forest as well.
The group has settled so nicely into a rhythm and everyone seems to be finding friends to play with. The older children are helping the younger ones with mittens and zippers now, and we are all learning patience when we go into the building and peel off layers and layers before using the bathroom.
Perhaps you’ve heard some of these songs at home?
In a milkweed cradle all snug and warm
Baby seeds are hiding safe and warm
Open up the cradle and hold it high
Come Mr. Wind, help them fly
Come Mr. Wind, help them fly!
Glimmer lantern glimmer, little stars a’shimmer
Over meadow moor and dale, flitter flutter elfin veil
Peewit peewit ric a tic a tic roo coo, roo coo
Glimmer lantern glimmer, little stars a’shimmer
Over rock and stock and stone, wander tripping little gnome
Peewit peewit ric a tic a tic roo coo, roo coo