This month, for our First Friday Coffee & Conversation, hosted by our Parent Community Council, we welcomed a group of six alumni students as special guests! They agreed to be on a panel where they spoke about what they most valued from their education and how they have felt prepared for their various endeavors.
“My Waldorf education taught me the value of stepping up to experiences that push me beyond my comfort zone.”
“My Waldorf Education taught me the difference between knowing facts and having understanding. I’ve developed the ability to take whatever information is given to me and to understand it and apply it to any sort of problem.”
“My Waldorf Education pushed me to be engaged and stick with it, even in those subjects I didn’t think I had any interest in. My ability to persist and stay focused is proving to be a valuable asset in college.”
“Because I was seen and valued as an individual, my Waldorf Education helped me to know myself. Now that I’m in a much larger college environment, I have the confidence and self-knowledge to advocate for myself.”